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Class Moms is a one-stop "Question & Answer Forum" for Moms, Dads, Grandparents, Students, Teachers, School Administrators, and all others who choose to empower their children. A community of like-minded care-takers willing to share their knowledge with others who need it and to bring together people with different perspectives so they can understand each other better.
My children are overweight. How can I manage their weight?
Rhonda Sherman
Introduce them to healthy food. There are so many low calorie, yummy foods on the market today. Exercise is important too.
My 12 Year old child has been diagnosed with ADHD. Should I medicate?
Rhonda Sherman
My Elementary aged son has started talking back a lot. Any advice for how to handle this?
Rhonda Sherman
It’s honestly just a phase. Pick and choose your battles. This too shall pass.
My sister is 29 and newly pregnant… She asked “What was the hardest thing about being pregnant”. I want to tell her everything without scaring her. Any suggestions?
Rhonda Sherman
There is nothing to be scared about. Embrace every second of being pregnant. Best advice, tell your sister to do her Kegels every day :)
My 12 Year old child has been diagnosed with ADHD. Should I medicate?
So obviously medication is a personal decision because no one else will know your child’s circumstances and all that etc. with that said though, my advice is if you have the opportunity to use medication, do it. I’m a 27 year old female, I was diagnosed with adhd last year. Medication has chaaangedRead more
Do over the counter supplements or vitamins help acne?
Supplements are not well regulated, so you're kind of buying a cat in a bag. Also, vitamins and minerals are not absorbed on their own, but rather, symbiotically, which is why their absorbance is higher when eaten in the form of a whole food. There are some vitamins and minerals that do help with acRead more
What foods should I avoid putting in my children’s lunch box?
Kids seem to love foods that are easy for them to handle. Like hand held foods like veggies, fruits, cheese sticks, and yogurt.
How many hours of sleep should my 6 year old get every night?
Experts all agree that 10-13 hours of sleep per day, including naps, is necessary.
My 12 Year old child has been diagnosed with ADHD. Should I medicate?
In my opinion, medications should always be a last resort option. Healthy changes in diet and behavior modification should be explored first.
Do I need to check my children’s homework each night?
It would be a good idea to keep an eye on your children's progress in school. It also sends a positive message that schoolwork is important. Positive feedback nurtures confidence.
My children are overweight. How can I manage their weight?
The key is to emphasize healthy eating and appropriate portion sizes. Provide healthy food choices and try to incorporate fun ways to get moving together- bike rides, family walks. Also, look closely and what other family members are eating including yourself. Often, children mimic the eating behaviRead more
How can I help my 13 year old with problems completing school work?
There are some underlining issues here. 1. Is your child falling behind because the work is too hard and cant keep up? 2. Is it poor time management? 3. Are there too many extra curricular activities eating up all their time? 4. Is this a sudden change. Is your child hanging around with a differentRead more
During Holiday season, is it recommended that I buy my sons 5th grade teacher a Holiday gift?
Why not! Teachers are under paid and over worked. Why not show them some consideration and let them know that you appreciate their hard work and the time they spend with your child.
Any tips for dealing with picky eaters? What’s the best approach for handling this?
I myself was a very picky eater as a child. Looking back and also raising my own children, I've come to realize that being a picky eater will not negatively effect your child. So, if your child is picky, make the meals they like (hopefully healthyish) and let time take its course for your child's paRead more
My kids love to drink juice and soda but barely any water. How can I get them to drink more water?
Hi... I'm not sure how old your children are. However, I know this may sound rude... But, just don't give it to them. Don't have it in the house and don't buy it for them when you're out.
I agreed to be a parental chaperone and bus helper on my 8 year old Daughters field trip to the Zoo. Some of the other students were very rude to the bus driver and the attendants. How should I approach it?
Don't Approach it directly. This is not your child and not your job. I know this is embarrassing and your instincts to correct bad behavior automatically take over, however, you must do nothing or let the teacher know that there may be some issues concerning poor behavior. It's probably best to notRead more
I hear my 14 year old son playing Xbox and cursing other gamers on his headset. What should I tell him?
Usually it's just a phase. Hopefully he'll grow out of it. However, you can remind him that when he is home to be respectful of his environment.